The ever popular exhibition provides an opportunity for graduating HSC students to display their major artworks in a professional gallery environment, and is a great way for the community to come together and celebrate our region’s talented youth.
High Schools across the region have been invited to submit entries in the disciplines of visual arts, textiles, design and the industrial arts. Griffith Regional Art Gallery Coordinator, Ray Wholohan said it always astounds him, just how innovative HSC students can be in producing their major works.
“Young people seem to have such an uninhibited level of creativity and the artwork they produce can often be more compelling than some well established artists,” said Mr Wholohan. “This exhibition is an extension of our commitment to promoting the arts practices of young people, and is an important part of our annual calendar,”
“During 2016 we are hosting a number of exhibitions which promote young local artists, such as continuing the annual HSC Graduates Exhibition, Flower Power and Murrumbidgee Marramarra to continue to showcase the talent we have across the region.” The HSC Graduates Exhibition is proudly sponsored by Nathan Thomas, Property Specialist, who is providing the winning award and the Griffith Branch of ANZ Bank, who are providing the highly commended award.
Griffith Regional Art Gallery are also providing a number of encouragement awards, with the award pool in excess of $500. The winners of these awards will be announced during the exhibition’s opening function on Friday 27 November, 6pm. All are welcome to attend.
For further information, please contact the Gallery on 02 6962 8338. Griffith Regional Art Gallery is located at 167 Banna Avenue, Griffith. Gallery hours are Wednesday to Friday 10am to 5pm and weekends from 11am to 2pm.
Photo of artwork by Laura Panarello supplied.