Monday, 28 April 2014

Leeton eyes photography prize

The inaugural Western Riverina Arts Photography Prize as part of the Leeton Shire Council Penny Paniz Art Competition has achieved significant community engagement, with a total of 46 images entered and 1240 'likes' tallied on Facebook to select the 13 images exhibited as part of the shortlisting.

"There was a really diverse array of photographs submitted for this prize," said Derek Motion, Regional Arts Development Officer with Western Riverina Arts. "The photographs had to have been taken in Leeton Shire and accordingly many of the images depicted familiar landmarks, sites like the Roxy Theatre and Gogeldrie Weir."

"Some photographers also chose to present more personal ideas of ‘Leeton’s Identity’, with shortlisted photographs including a shot of the family cats, a favourite spot in the bush, and even a shot taken while sliding down the Leeton Pool’s waterslide."

It was a photograph of one of Leeton’s oldest and most iconic buildings that was voted the winner. Over the course of the exhibition 610 visitors recorded a vote for their favourite photograph with Rocco Pirrottina’s image ‘Travel Back in Time’ a clear winner attracting 20% of the vote.

This photograph of the Historic Hydro Motor Inn was taken at night and the lighting illuminates the stained glass window. The image also includes a long-exposure shot of the stars, arranged so that the starlight paints a circular pattern directly behind the Hydro.

"The photograph is well composed and executed, and was definitely a crowd favourite on the night of the exhibition launch," said Mr Motion.

"It was particularly pleasing to see that this photography prize attracted a range of entrants. Even amongst the shortlisted images there was work from amateurs using simple camera phone devices, as well as professionals using more expensive equipment."

"The overall aim of this competition was to get people to engage and participate. Even if you don’t consider yourself an ‘artist’ there is a lot to gain by getting involved in an artistic activity."

All of the images submitted for the 2014 photography prize are available to view on the Western Riverina Arts Facebook page. The prize will be run again in 2015.

All-you-can-digest business advice in 60 minutes

The Creative Industries Innovation Centre (CIIC) will be providing free individual one–hour business consultations for creative enterprises on Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th May 2014.

The CIIC is an initiative of the Australian Government’s Enterprise Connect program and is delivered nationally to support the business of creative enterprise.

The CIIC Biztro service offers sole traders, start-ups and small businesses in any creative industry the opportunity to benefit from the knowledge and experience of Business Adviser David Sharpe.

Aspects of your business that you may choose to discuss include starting a business, strategic planning, finances, human resources, marketing and intellectual property.

Event information 
Date: Tuesday 27th & Wednesday 28th May 2014
Venue/Address: Regional Development Australia – Riverina Suite 13, Level 1 130-140 Banna Avenue, Griffith

How to register
Please note places are limited. This service is provided at no cost.
Session times
Tuesday 27th May 2014 
Session 1: 12.30 – 1.30pm
Session 2: 1.45 – 2.45pm
Session 3: 3.00 – 4.00pm
Session 4: 4.15 – 5.15pm

Wednesday 28th May 2014 
Session 1: 9.00 – 10.00am
Session 2: 10.15–11.15pm
Session 3: 11.30-12.30pm
Session 4: 1.15 – 2.15pm

Please arrive 10min before the start time of your session to ensure sessions do not over-run.

About David Sharpe 
David has a strong background in financial management and developing business strategies for creative companies, as part of 12 years experience in the arts and screen industries. He delivered business capacity building programs for the Australia Council for the Arts and before that, ran a film liaison and locations company (Film Illawarra). He is also a playwright, with a number of works performed around Australia and New Zealand.

David holds a Masters Degree in Arts Management (UTS), a Bachelor of Arts in English and Communications (University of Wollongong) and a Graduate Certificate in Accounting & Financial Management (Charles Sturt).

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Fellowship a win for region

Western Riverina-based artist Vic McEwan is the recipient of the inaugural NSW Fellowship for Regional Artists, valued at $30,000.

NSW Minister for the Arts, the Hon. George Souris MP, made the announcement at the Regional Arts NSW annual dinner on 16 April 2014.

Vic McEwan, the co-founder of The Cad Factory located in Birrego, was selected from “a robust field of 58 entrants with a strong showing from the Visual Arts,” said Mr Souris.

The Fellowship will extend over an 18-month period, during which time the artist will work with Clive Parkinson of Manchester Metropolitan University and complete a residency in 2015 at the Australian Museum.

"This opportunity will allow me to take three key areas of my practice that I have been developing in the past few years and to allow time for research and critical thinking in order to develop my practise further," said Mr McEwan.

Over the next 18 months Vic McEwan will be focusing on three goals:
  • In 2015 he will be the Artist in Residence at the National Museum of Australia, working with Senior Curator George Main and the National Collection to create a new body of work. 
  • McEwan will be working with The Cad Factory chairperson Renay Ringma to create a case study of the SunRice and Cad Factory Contemporary Arts Partnerships, which will look at the value contemporary artists can bring to business and communities. 
  • In addition he will be making several visits to the United Kingdom conducting major research into Arts/Health and creating a number of large public outcomes in hospital environments. 

"I will be working with national and international institutions and art communities to develop new work and new ideas and all of these new skills and achievements will be brought back to the Riverina, to share with our local communities and to pass on through future projects that we deliver as The Cad Factory and in partnership with other artists and organisations," said Mr McEwan.

"This fellowship puts a spotlight on regional Australia and identifies that in a place far away from the perceived art centres, there is experimentation and creative art-making happening that is of a world standard."

"Regional Australia is a place full of inspiration, unique human stories and opportunities to develop new experimental work in collaboration with landscape and communities."

Western Riverina Arts is pleased the region has gained recognition through the Fellowship awarded to Vic McEwan and will continue to benefit from the work of The Cad Factory.

"This is a fantastic result for Vic," said Derek Motion, Regional Arts Development Officer. "We look forward to seeing his new work."

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Party Wise

Party Wise is a theatrical production developed by local youth with Transvision Arts as part of Leeton Shire Council's Bidgee Binge Program, which was supported by the Australian Government.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Follow your art

Artistic expression will be the focus of a workshop facilitated by Griffith-based artist Melanie Baulch on Sunday 4 May. Participants will learn how to open themselves up to the unknown, access their intuition and paint for joy.

"Expressive Art is a workshop about following your heart," says Ms Baulch. "At completion each person will go home with a range of colourful artworks and feel fabulous."

"The workshop aims to loosen artists up to empower further creativity and enjoyment."

A range of techniques will be introduced and explored. The workshop is designed to stimulate new approaches as well as broaden (or establish) a repertoire of skills.

"We'll be playing with colour, imagery, words and composition," said Ms Baulch. "Incorporating variety into painting by using different marks, line quality and texture. We'll be playing about with the canvas and responding to word imagery, applying paint using different body parts and blindfolded."

"Spraying, dragging, stamping, sloshing, twirling, flicking, dripping…"

Bookings are essential as there are only limited spaces available. Cost is $50 and morning tea will be supplied. Participants are asked to call for a list of materials to bring to the workshop. Some materials will be supplied.

The Expressive Art workshop will run from 9am to 1pm on Sunday 4 May at the CWA Hall on Banna Avenue, Griffith. To reserve a spot please call

Melanie Baulch on 0428 914 702 or email melaniebaulch[at]
Renee DeSaxe on 0429 660 223 or email renee[at]

Something to sing about

The Wired Lab is excited to announce a wonderful opportunity for singers, musicians, actors and anyone interested in wellness who is based in the Riverina region. People who have to travel and hour or more are entitled to travel assistance.

In preparation for our biennial 'Wired Open Day' event on Saturday 3rd May we are hosting two acclaimed harmonic overtone singers, Bukhchuluun Ganburged (Bukhu) and Dean Frenkel, who will present a workshop series over three weekends in April.

These FREE workshops are open to novice, amateur and professional singers, musicians and actors from age 13. Basically if you have interests in either singing, wellness, breathing and exploring other musical traditions, you are welcome to attend.

During the workshops participants will learn various harmonic overtone (aka 'throat singing') vocal techniques and, with Bukhu and Dean, you will work towards developing a performance that will be presented at 'Wired Open Day'.

The workshops will not only expand your vocal technique(s) but will also encompass wellness and breathing, fortifying your breath and respiratory muscles. This aspect of the workshops will ultimately lengthen your breath duration and tap into all your breath and vocal abilities.


The two-day workshops will be held over two weekends in April, with Bukhu and Dean returning on the 2nd May to hold an evening session to prepare for our 'Wired Open Day' event on Saturday 3rd May. We understand it is quite a commitment to attend all four days of the workshop series, and ask that participants at least be able to commit to attending two or three days of the workshops and participate in 'Wired Open Day' on 3rd May.


WHEN: Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th April, 10am-3pm each day

WHERE: The Arts Centre, Cootamundra, 18-20 Wallendoon St, Cootamundra


WHEN: Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th April, 10am-3pm each day

WHERE: The Arts Centre, Cootamundra, 18-20 Wallendoon St, Cootamundra


WHEN: Saturday 3rd May, from late afternoon into the evening

WHERE: The Wired Lab

Refreshments with morning and afternoon tea will be provided at the workshops, please bring your own lunch.

If you wish to attend the workshops please contact Sarah Last, via or 0414 22 66 23. People who need to travel an hour or more to attend the workshops are eligible for travel assistance (i.e. contribution to your fuel costs), please contact Sarah.



Bukhu is a virtuosic Throat Singing (Koomii or Khoomei) & Horse Head Fiddle (Morin Khuur) Performer. Formerly a master student at Music and Dance Conservatory of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Bukhu has performed around the world. Now based in Sydney Bukhu is a regular performer at major festivals around Australia and Asia.

Whilst Bukhu considers himself a cultural ambassador for his county and its music traditions, he is also an accomplished contemporary composer whose work crosses a range of genres.  Bukhu has enjoyed numerous collaborations and solo releases such as his EP of live performances on ABC Radio National 'Music Deli' program. For more information & to listen to his music visit his website:


One of the world’s leaing harmonic singers and facilitators, Dean is also an anthropology graduate from Latrobe University, clinical hypnotherapist and author. He appears on a number of albums and film soundtracks including three solo music releases on Move records and facilitates singing, didgeridoo and wellness breathing workshops for conventions, retreats and festivals.

Dean firmly believes that breath and voice can be trained to improve health and skills. "It's about practising strategic exercises to develop the full potential of the breath and voice". Dean was appointed Visiting Fellow for WAAPA and recognised by Guinness World Records – in 2005 he smashed the world record for singing a continuous note on ABC TV show ‘Enough Rope Andrew Denton’. He regularly performs at festivals around Australia and is a regular guest on ABC radio. Dean is a master of voice and an enthusiastic teacher.


Based in Muttama NSW, The Wired Lab was founded by Muttama local Sarah Last in 2007. The Wired Lab has hosted a number of high profile Australian and international artists, and facilitated workshops and events throughout Australia. In 2013 The Wired Lab won two national APRA/AMC Art Music Awards for 'Excellence in Experimental Music' and 'Excellence in a Regional Area' for 'Southern Encounter', a project curated by Sarah and presented at the National Regional Arts Australia Conference in Goolwa, South Australia.


The Wired Lab is an artist led organisation evolving interdisciplinary art practices in rural Australia. We create opportunities for the research, production and presentation of projects that connect international and local artists with communities in new ways. Our curated programs and projects involve artists working from a regional context whilst producing outcomes of local and global relevance. Our activities range from skills development for young people, seniors, emerging and mid career artists, to the creation, presentation, publication and promotion of new works and major live arts projects.